Skyrocket Conversions with SALESmanago's Intelligent Website Personalization

Leverage AI-Driven Adaptable Solutions to Create Engaging User Experiences and Boost Online Interactions

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Recommendations for websites

Create and analyse recommendations on your website

  • Personalised Product Suggestions

    Display tailored recommendations on your website to enhance product visibility

  • Increased Sales and Satisfaction

    Drive higher sales and enhance customer satisfaction through targeted suggestions

  • Visual Impact Analysis

    Assess and optimise the visual effectiveness of your recommendations

Live Chat

Improve your customer service and sales through Live Chat

  • Real-Time Customer Support

    Deliver instant support and product recommendations to drive sales

  • Continuous 24/7 Engagement

    Keep customers engaged around the clock with automated chatbots

  • Personalized Live Interactions

    Enhance the user experience with real-time, customised interactions

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Social Proof

Drive purchases with social proof user data

  • Real-Time Purchase Influence

    Drive purchases by displaying real-time notifications of product views and sales

  • Boost Customer Confidence

    Increase customer confidence and prompt quick decisions by showcasing product popularity

  • Sales Enhancement

    Boost sales by highlighting the demand and popularity of your products

Personalised banners

Show personalised offers using banners on your website

  • Targeted Banner Offers

    Attract users by displaying personalised banners with tailored offers

  • Deals Showcase

    Increase engagement with visitor relevant deals

  • Behaviour-Based Conversions

    Increase conversions by presenting offers based on customer behaviour data

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Do you need help with choosing the right package?

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Personal Shopping Inbox

Provide users a personal way to engage and be engaged

  • Onsite Notifications

    Highlight special offers, promo codes, or key updates with real-time notifications on your website

  • Seamless Design Integration

    Utilise a flexible notification centre that visually aligns with your website’s aesthetics

  • Personal Shopping Management

    Provide users the ability to create wish lists, view past products of interest, and receive personalised offers

Website automation

Personalise website visitor experience with automations

  • Precise Visitor Targeting

    Identify and engage anonymous Contacts based on their online behaviour, turning them into active leads

  • Automated, Timely Engagement

    Deploy personalised campaigns that reach visitors at key moments in their shopping journey

  • Performance Tracking and Optimization

    Monitor real-time analytics to measure campaign effectiveness and refine your strategies for better results

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Custom Scripting for Websites

Tailor user experiences with custom scripts for website automation

  • Advanced Personalization

    Enhance your campaigns by executing custom JavaScript for deeper, more personalised experiences

  • Event Tracking Integration

    Automatically fire gtag events or Clarity tags to track and analyse interactions with dynamic content

  • Optimised Engagement

    Drive higher engagement by delivering customised interactions based on user behaviour, and continuously refine them through A/B testing of personalised elements

Turn Your Customer Data into Growth

Harness the Full Potential of your Website


Maximise Contact Acquisition with Intelligent Website Personalization

Transform your website into a powerful lead generation machine. Leverage personalised banners to capture visitor attention and encourage sign-ups, while onsite notifications deliver timely, relevant messages that prompt engagement. Create tailored experiences that resonate with different audience segments, significantly boosting your contact acquisition efforts.


Skyrocket Conversions with AI-Powered Recommendations and Real-Time Engagement

Our Live Chat acts as virtual sales assistants, guiding customers through the buying process and addressing concerns in real-time. Personalised banners and onsite notifications create a sense of urgency and relevance, prompting immediate action. You can orchestrate a conversion-optimised journey for each visitor, turning browsers into buyers with remarkable efficiency.


Cultivate Deep Customer Engagement through Tailored Web Experiences

Harness the power of website automation and custom scripting to create unique, memorable experiences that adapt in real-time to user behaviour. By delivering a consistently relevant and interactive website experience, you'll not only capture attention but also cultivate loyalty, turning casual browsers into devoted brand advocates.