Maximize eCommerce revenue growth
…the lean way

eCommerce Marketing has become one of the most exciting areas of today's business world – but it's also one of the most demanding.


eCommerce marketers are also confronted by significant fragmentation and the increasing costs of marketing technology solutions, which of course mean reliance on IT and other difficult-to-find kinds of expertise. The result? Implementation of strategies is slowed, impact is lessened, and meeting revenue expectations becomes an ever-greater challenge. In their quest for growth, marketing teams face:

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Never-ending demand for more resources – while needing to be lean and differentiated

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Shortsighted “spray and pray” tactics – instead of long-term vision focused on building value

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Constant search for the ideal martech stack setup and new tools—instead of focusing on customers

That’s why we have created SALESmanago
and our vision is:

A world where every
marketing team can
maximize eCommerce
revenue growth
– the lean way.

By enabling our customers to achieve
three essential principles:

By enabling our customers to achieve
three essential principles:

The solution is SALESmanago. All-in-one, No-code,
AI-driven Customer Engagement Platform with natively-built Omnichannel Execution, Analytics, Optimization Tools, and Marketing Intelligence features.

SALESmanago effects

It's a platform that was specifically created for impact-hungry eCommerce marketing teams that strive for Enterprise Class solutions, that are ready to challenge the world’s largest eCommerce businesses, and that share the values of:

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Staying ahead of the competition

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Being lean and pragmatic

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Perfect execution and delivering results

With SALESmanago Effect we redefine the way marketers work, think and learn. We want to be a part of their success.

How SALESmanago work
Join the SALESmanago movement of eCommerce
impact-hungry ecommerce marketers that want…

to be lean,
yet powerful

stay ahead
of the competition
