e-Mail Marketing vs Marketing Automation

Find out 5 reasons why you should move your e-Mail Marketing to the Marketing Automation system

Marketing Automation is not just a new name for e-Mail Marketing. It is a brand-new generation of marketing tools, which not only send mailings and newsletters but also identify and track contacts visiting your website.

The system collects data about prospects who visit your website, which you can use to personalize your marketing activity in all channels of communication with your prospective customers.

  • Automated emails with personalized offerings and content
  • Dynamic content fine-tuned to particular visitors to your website
  • Notifications informing your sales team about which particular contacts are interested in your products or services

Learn why the best and the largest companies have chosen SALESmanago?

1. Marketing Automation provides you with professional email marketing for free, with no message limit

When you create your account in our Marketing Automation system you will get your own mailing account for newsletters and mailings delivered to you at no cost. Therefore, you get effectively much more (CDP, dynamic content) for the same price.

2. SALESmanago identifies prospects who visit your website and tracks their behaviour – the unique data you collect with the system will help you boost your sales

Marketing Automation tracks the behaviour of particular contacts from you database on your entire website. You will know what search phrase the prospects used to visit your site as well as other sites they have visited. In this way your sales and marketing staff will get access to unique knowledge about your prospect’s interests.

Tracking of your prospects’ behaviour when visiting your website

Real-time identification of visitors to your website

Identification of corporate visitors to your website with registration information

3. Marketing Automation engages your marketing team in the process of sales and education of your prospective customers in Lead Nurturing programs

The system enables marketers (lead education, email marketing) to work  alongside salespeople (sales funnels and CRM) to jointly meet your company’s sales targets. The marketing team prepare prospects for contact with your sales reps and create educational processes covering all available communication channels.

4. Marketing Automation is a sales support tool which provides sales teams with unique knowledge about your prospective customers (Lead Scoring) and selects prospects to be contacted in the first place

Marketing Automation System analyzes customer behaviour, informs your salespeople about scoring recorded for a particular prospect and specifies the most favorable moment for a direct sales contact.

5. SALESmanago allows advanced integrations with CDP / CRM / ERP / transactional systems and uses the details of transactions and purchases for the purposes of automation

Marketing Automation offers advanced integration with the customer’s CRM . Using the system you are able to reflect sales cycles in the MA application and automatically transfer the transactional data about your customers. As a result, Marketing Automation gives you an invaluable insight into combined behavioural and transactional data, which will serve as input for automation.

Marketing Automation

The Automation System boosts the efficiency of e-Mail Marketing campaigns

Personalized e-Mails effectiveness
Mailing base segmentation

Examples of features available to users of our Marketing Automation system, which are not offered by e-Mail Marketing solutions

  • Comprehensive database of your customers and leads
  • Sales funnel, sales campaign and notifications for sales teams
  • Comprehensive tracking of your contacts’ behaviour online and in mobile applications
  • Sales and marketing automation module
  • Lead Nurturing and Lead Education programs
  • Automated communication with prospective customers via email, website and call-center
  • Comprehensive integration with external systems: CDP/CRM/ERP/Business intelligence
  • Lead Scoring
  • Dynamic contact forms and progressive profiling
  • Advanced contact segmentation based on behavioural and transactional data
  • Automated tasks, notes and sales alerts
  • Global customer lifecycle marketing
  • Modules for coordinated sales and marketing activity
  • Automated marketing event management
  • Complete marketing and ROI analytics
  • Expanded structure of roles and authorizations for the system users
  • B2B visit management – identification of companies visiting your website
  • Monitoring e-maili z ofertami handlowymi B2B i B2C
  • Intelligent two-way SMS and VMS
  • Dynamic website content
  • Call center and telemarketing module
  • Automated analytics and sales reporting
  • Marketing mix analytics for the sales process
  • Dynamic website content for profiled anonymous visits

Advanced e-Mail Marketing features

For advanced users of the e-Mail Marketing system, SALESmanago suite offers a full range of advanced features. For details check our Functionality Table

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or contact us at info@salesmanago.com if you are interested in individual online presentation by our Product Manager who will explain the system’s capabilities and explain how you can use to better meet your business objectives.