Transactional Analytics and Automation


SALESmanago Marketing Automation software has a complete module analyzing transactional data. It enables to create advanced segments of customers, based on their purchases. Marketing Automation system allows to fully automatize and personalize marketing and sales communication.

Transactional analytics measures also efficiency of automation rules and e-mail marketing. SALESmanago precisely calculates sales value and conversion rate of given campaign.


Transactional analysis of rules of automation and e-mail marketing


Advanced analytics calculates key evaluation parameters for every e-mail campaign and every set rule. That includes:

  • Value of transactions – total value of all transactions made by customers as a result of given action.
  • Amount: minimal, average and maximum value of purchases – basic statistics showing amount and value of generated conversions.
  • Conversion achieved with our mailing – it calculates percentage of people who clicked the link, went to the website and made purchase.

Segmentation and transactional analysis


Segmentation of customers based on purchasing history allows to plan efficiently campaigns like win back, cross-selling, upselling, and adjust content (email, recommendations on the website, RTB campaigns) perfectly to customer.

SALESmanago Marketing Automation system can automatically create segments of contacts based on parameters such as:

  • Product purchased
  • Price
  • Category
  • Localization of the purchase

Thus Marketing Automation system automatically creates groups of customers who buy similar products and allows to run campaign on products complementary to one that customer just bought. Additionally we gain information about which products, sales channel and localizations are most efficient.


Automation and personalization based on transaction analysis


In SALESmanago communication automation based on transactional data can be enriched with behavioral data (monitored activity of customers). Combining knowledge on customers’ intention and actual purchase allows to realize advanced campaigns, such as:

  • Dynamic email after customer’s visit on the website – can contain products complementary to ones purchased previously by a customer, viewed (during last visit or ever) but not bought and now on sale.
  • Intelligent recommendations on the website – in frames for recommended products each customers will see an offer generated especially form him, based on his profile.
  • Automatic adapting discount size to customer’s profile – system can automatically modify the amount of discount, based on last purchase made but customer or his shopping activity in general.
  • RTB campaigns – act of purchase can automatically deactivate given campaign for a customer and activate another one, with personalized content (e.g. with accessories/ educational materials to previously purchased item).
  • Customer Lifecycle Campaigns – based on purchased made and interests of a customer system can automatically change the offer, so it suits evolving needs of the customer (e.g. with time passing customer will be offered products matching his child’s growing up).

Effects of use


SALESmanago Marketing Automation based on transactional data can be enriched with behavioral data: detailed monitoring of customer’s activity on the website. Combining information on both intentions and actual purchases allows for advanced personalized campaigns, such as:

  • Full customers profiles, containing all information available
  • Possibility of planning and programming long-term campaigns based on customer’s purchase history
  • Increasing customer retention thanks to automatic after-purchase actions: win back, cross-sell, upsell
  • 400 % increase in emails conversion rate, thanks to dynamic content, adjusted to purchase history and shopping intentions
  • Increase in time spent on website. Due to perfectly tailored dynamic content customer stay 2 minutes longer on the page