AI Studio

Get precise, targeted content with SALESmanago’s

OpenAI-powered content and image generator

Use the first Customer Engagement Platform offering an innovative email designer integrated with ChatGPT technology. With generative AI, you can create more engaging content and campaigns to increase customer intimacy.

Unlock the full potential of Email Marketing with SALESmanago and ChatGPT by OpenAI integration

5 steps to success with AI Studio

Create great content fast

Harness the power of Artificial Intelligence in your Email Marketing strategy to create the ultimate subject lines, bullet points, product descriptions, slogans, and even full passages of content!

Be lean yet remarkable

Create content in 12 languages

Enhance your marketing campaigns. With OpenAI's model as its backbone, you can generate content quickly and easily in 12 languages—including English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and Polish—to boost the reach and quality of your campaigns!

Boost the quality of your campaigns

Take your visual content creation to the next level

Create stunning images that are tailor-made for your brand and audience. Effortlessly generate palettes that complement your images and create a cohesive visual identity.

Stand out from the competition

Generate compelling images

Our tools enable you to create an unlimited number of image variations. You can experiment with various styles until you find the perfect fit for your brand.

Be lean yet remarkable

Save time and scale your efforts

Leverage AI-generated content and watch your work skyrocket to new heights! Take advantage of its efficiency and scalability, cost-effectiveness, and even overcome writer's block with ease.

Get better impact with the same resources

How AI Studio works?

State-of-the-art AI to generate and improve email content using our ready-made tools

The first CEP offering an email designer integrated with ChatGPT technology

Free Beta version for all SALESmanago users

Set of copywriting tools designed to boost eCommerce Email Marketing:

Rewrite my content

Catchy phrase

Best CTA

Give reasons for…

Create bullet points

Product advantages

New tools coming soon: Rate my email and Generate subject

Content in 12 languages—including English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and Polish

DALL-E 2 integration as a part of AI Studio

A comprehensive suite of tools that allow you to create stunning and unique visuals in no time:

Variations of an uploaded image

Image generation

Palette generation

Maximize eCommerce revenue growth… the lean way