SALESmanago platform cookie information

The SALESmanago platform uses cookies installed on your device. Below is a list of standard cookies and their purpose. There may be situations where the website you visit also uses non-standard cookies not included in the list below. For information about these cookies, please contact our technical support department at For more information, contact the owner of the site you are visiting.

Cookie name Service life What information is collected Area
smuuid 10 years Unique identifier ; the cookie itself does not contain any information enabling the identification of the Contact, such as personal data of the person entering the website. The connection to the Contact Card takes place only inside SALESmanago. Functional
smclient 10 years The cookie itself does not contain any information enabling the identification of the Contact, such as personal data of the person entering the website. The connection to the Contact Card takes place only inside SALESmanago. Functional
smevent Default setting is 12h The cookie is added only by selected SALESmanago integrations. It stores information about the CARTevent and is reset during the PURCHASEevent. Functional
smforms 10 years The cookie contains information about the behavior of forms and popups: number of visits, timestamp of the last visit, and whether the pop-up has been closed/minimized. Analytics
smg 10 years The cookie gives the user a random identifier in the form of a UUID. Analytics
smvr 1 day The cookie is base64 encoded and stores information about visits and page views. Marketing
smwp 10 years The cookie contains true/false information regarding consent to receive Web Push notifications. Preferences
smrcrsaved 10 years The cookie contains true/false information about a person registered in SALESmanago with a specific smclient. Analytics
smOViewsPopCap 1 year The cookie sets the limit using SM:X, where X is replaced by a number. Preferences
smcfds 1 day The cookie contains information regarding interaction with the Web Push consent form. Analytics
_smps Does not expire The cookie stores information about pop-ups: visits, information about whether the pop-up should be shown again, and whether it is a new session. Functional
_smvs 10 years The cookie contains information about the source of the visit to the website divided into types of sources. Analytics
_smc-f-$salesmanago_id$ 1 day The Live Chat cookie is created only when Live Chat functionality is used. It stores information about the activation of the Live Chat window and is reset upon closing the chat window. The suffix changes dynamically and contains SALESmanago's internal identifier. Functional
_smc-opn-$salesmanago_id$ 1 minute The Live Chat cookie is created only when Live Chat functionality is used. It stores information about the state (open/closed) of the Live Chat window. The suffix changes dynamically and contains SALESmanago's internal identifier. Functional
_smc-unr-$salesmanago_id$ 100 seconds The Live Chat cookie is created only when Live Chat functionality is used. It stores information about the number of unread messages in the Live Chat window. The suffix changes dynamically and contains SALESmanago's internal identifier. Functional
_smc-cid-$salesmanago_id$ Does not expire The Live Chat cookie is created only when Live Chat functionality is used. It stores the conversation ID of the ongoing chat session. The suffix changes dynamically and contains SALESmanago's internal identifier. Functional
smclm 1 day The Live Chat cookie is created only when Live Chat functionality is used. It stores the timestamp of the last message sent by the Contact, enabling tracking of the time of the most recent message exchange in the Live Chat session. Analytics
_smsp-r-$salesmanago_id$ 3 hours The Social Proof cookie is triggered only when Social Proof functionality is used. It stores the last displayed number in the Social Proof widget and is updated dynamically based on user interactions. The suffix changes dynamically and contains SALESmanago's internal identifier. Functional
_smsps Does not expire The Social Proof cookie is triggered only when Social Proof functionality is used. It stores information such as the number of views, visits, time spent, and whether the session is new within the social proof widget. Functional
_smvc 5 minutes The cache vendor config cookie stores the settings of the SALESmanago account configuration. It retains information about the preferences and configurations set by the vendor and is utilized to optimize the caching mechanism. Functional
smsr Does not expire The Sidebar cookie is triggered only when Sidebar functionality is used. It stores information related to the activation and settings of the sidebar feature, ensuring its proper display based on predefined conditions. Functional
_smwps Does not expire The Web Push consent cookie is triggered only when Web Push functionality is used. It stores information such as the number of views or whether Web Push notifications are active . This data helps in controlling the behavior of Web Push notifications based on user consent preferences and browsing sessions. Functional
smcfds 1 day The Web Push consent cookie is triggered only when Web Push functionality is used. It stores parameters such as the display interval and delay, which are configured in the Web Push consent creator. These settings dictate how frequently and after what delay the Web Push consent form appears to users. Functional
_smswu Does not expire The Web Push consent cookie is triggered only when Web Push functionality is used. It stores the version of the service worker file (sw.js). If the stored version differs from the current one, the sw.js file will update accordingly. This mechanism ensures that the service worker file remains up-to-date, facilitating efficient handling of Web Push notifications. Functional