Why a Customer Data Platform is Essential
for eCommerce Marketing: Ep2 Automation

Webinar, 29th of June, 11:00 AM CEST
Hosted by Maja Kowalska, Product Marketing Manager at SALESmanago
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Join our webinar and learn:

checkthis Unleash the hidden potential of customer data in crafting mesmerizing automated workflows for your eCommerce marketing campaigns

checkthis Experience the awe-inspiring capabilities of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) as it empowers you to automate and streamline your marketing efforts

checkthis Witness the magical results of implementing CDP-driven automation through real-life case studies and discover how it can revolutionize your eCommerce marketing strategies!








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Why you should consider this opportunity:

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of eCommerce marketing as we delve deeper into the transformative powers of customer data in our captivating webinar: "Why a Customer Data Platform is Essential for eCommerce Marketing: Ep2 Automation " for SALESmanago platform. Join us to unlock the secrets of harnessing customer data to create automated workflows that will elevate your eCommerce marketing to new heights!

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Maja is a Product Marketing Manager at SALESmanago. She’s a self-identified marketing nerd, passionate about the digital landscape and using technology to create useful, shareable experiences. Her extensive background in digital marketing brought her the opportunity to build content marketing strategies for B2B and eCommerce companies to help them grow.

Privately, she is looking forward to the machine uprising, only to write “Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep” from Roy Batty's perspective and interview the T-1000. She is a fan of '80s B-grade cinema and German industrial-post-punk bands.